Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Facebook Chat Abbreviations and Meanings

Interesting and useful read from one of my favorite websites for the abbreviations and meanings of Facebook chats.

FB : Facebook
SOS: Someone on Shoulder
POS: Parents Over shoulder
ASAP: As soon as possible
1NAM : One in a million
AFAIK : As far as I know
B4N : Bye for now.
143: I love you
1432: I love you too
2moro: Tomorrow
2N8 : Tonight
404 : No clue
4Eva: Forever
BRB : Be right back
LOL: Laugh out loud
LMAO: Laugh my Ass off
SD : Sweet dreams
Gn : Good night
WTH : What the hell
LMK : Let me know
TTYL : Talk to you later
N : And
BFF : Best female Friend/ Best Friends forever
kk : ok
Kl : Cool
BMT : Before my time
w8 : Wait
OMG: OH my god!
ASAIC: As soon as I can
Ty/Tu: Thank you
JFY: Just for you
BBT : Be Back tomorrow
BF: Boy Friend
GF: Girlfriend
BOT: Back on Topic
HAND: Have a nice day!
HF: Have Fun
PM: Private Message
BTW: By the way
Zzz: Sleeping
PMSL: Pissing myself laughing.
WU? : What’s up?
TIA: Thanks in advance
Abt. : About
YSIC: Why should I care
Y : Why or Yes
Wru: Where are you?
WOA: Work of Art
TM : Trust me

Sunday, October 31, 2010

what is the usage of Robots.txt file?

The Robots.txt file is used to restrict the search engine crawlers from indexing the selected (Private, confidential and admin pages)areas of your website.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Keyboard Short Cuts for New Twitter

The shortcut keys of new Twitter is following


Favorite : f
Reply : r
Retweet : t
Direct Message : m
New Tweet : n
Toggle Details Pane : enter


Next Tweet : j
Previous Tweet : k
Page down : space
Search : /
Refresh Tweets And Back To Top : .


Home : g h
Replies/Mentions : g r
Profile : g p
Favorites : g f
Messages : g m
Go To User : g u

Friday, August 6, 2010

Most Important SEO Ranking Factors

The following are the most important ranking factor for SEO, this report is based on SEOMOZ

Top Ranking Factors

• Keyword Focused Anchor Text from External Links 73%
• External Link Popularity (quantity/quality of external links) 71%
• Diversity of Link Sources (links from many unique root domains) 67%
• Keyword Use Anywhere in the Title Tag 66%
• Trustworthiness of the Domain Based on Link Distance from Trusted Domains (e.g. Trust Rank, Domain mozTrust, etc.) 66%

Top Negative Ranking Factors

• Cloaking with Malicious/Manipulative Intent 68%
• Link Acquisition from Known Link Brokers/Sellers 56%
• Links from the Page to Web Spam Sites/Pages 51%
• Cloaking by User Agent 51%
• Frequent Server Downtime & Site Inaccessibility 51%

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How Search Engines Parse Keywords On Your Page for Context

In order to determine a web page's relevancy for a particular search query, search engines look at a variety of different factors to understand what a web page is about. We've talked about how title tags matter, as do URLs, and meta descriptions (but much less so). Additionally, one very big factor for how a search engine determines what your web page is about is by looking at the actual text on that page as well as the various words in it and their relative frequencies. The concepts of "keyword density" relates to how frequently various keywords are seen on a given page. If the keyword is seen a lot, then it follows that that page must be talking about a topic very relevant to that keyword.

In practical terms, what this means is that using the right keywords in your post matters and you should be cognizant of that. I would caveat that with a warning that "keyword stuffing," or artificially including excess keywords on your page, can not only create a bad experience for users but also potentially raise red flags with the search engines that you may be trying to game their algorithms (and subsequently incur a punishment from them). So, make sure to keep an eye on the keywords on your page but do so in a way that preserves the user experience and doesn't try to trick the search engines in any way.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Easy way to get your pages indexed by Google

Your blog popst 100% should be indexed by Google. Follow this basic SEO guideline, I read this article in Daily SEO blog.

1. All your posts must have unique and quality content. By unique I mean that the content of your posts should be found only on a single place (i.E., avoid duplicate content both inside and outside your domain). By quality I mean that the content should be useful to potential visitors.

2. All your posts should be reachable through static links on your blog. You need to have a sound site structure in place, else the Google bot might not be able to find some of your inner pages and posts. If you use a modern CMS, like WordPress or Joomla, this shouldn’t be an issue.

3. Your domain should hold some backlinks. As you probably know backlinks are the search engine currency. You need some of them if you want Google to discover your website in the first place. Secondly, if you want to have all your pages indexed and some good search rankings, you will need to have a decent amount of backlinks. Keep in mind that there is a PageRank threshold that your pages must pass before they get included in Google’s index.

It is common for a new website to have only part of its internal pages indexed. Over time, however, this should be fixed. If you have been blogging for around one year and still only 30% of your posts are indexed by Google you might have a problem. I would start investigating duplicate content issues. Once you are sure you don’t have that, work on getting more backlinks.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Most Important Techniques in SEO

Following 3 rules are should respect to generate your site a victory.

1. Only target keywords that are receiving traffic

2. Only target keywords that have a commercial value.

3. Target keywords with a low enough competition.

SEO is the fine art of getting traffic to your site by optimising the on page content and off page links.

1. Keyword Research: Need to creative idea exactly what your target market is typing into Google. All Search Engine Optimisation starts here. Good keyword research is a very important factor in SEO

2. Create a Local Business Listing: With this you must easily be able to get highly ranked for your establishment and your local area.

3. Link Building: Probably the most valuable part.

Create a more number of powerful backlinks to your site.

4. RSS feeds: The majority of websites, directories and blogs have RSS feeds. If they don't then they can be created. These need to be submitted to the top 40 or so feed directories. These feed directories themselves have feeds which can be submitted! Feeds only need to be submitted once and robotically update

Creating blogs, articles and feeds produces a large network of linking, gives your optimisation a backbone, then each time content is added within the network the feeds are automatically updated. Google loves it.

5. Publish Press Releases: Each time you launch a new product or service, or just have an declaration then get it out as a press release. PR sites vary, some are free some you have to pay for but they are another great source of traffic and link juice.

6. Bookmark site pages, blogs and articles on the social bookmarking scene.

7. Utilise Twitter and Facebook to continue building reputation and customers. Twitter is just going to grow and grow, would be mad not to start using it properly right now. This can be automated to an extent.

8. If you aren't already doing this then start building a list. Would be a pleasant idea to have a monthly newsletter for your customers, another great way to maintain contact and create a long term relationship with your customers, as well as informing them of any news in your sector or company. This would have to be an 'opt-in' list where the customers click a link to confirm they want to join the list. This eliminates any accusations of SPAM, and there will be an 'unsubscribe' link with every message sent.

9. Then there are the on-page factors. This would include tweaking the content to optimise for a specific keyword. Employing 'nofollow' tags in your pages to control the flow of page rank, for occurrence putting a 'nofollow' tag on links to your T's and C's would stop any page rank flowing to this page, but would still allow customers to click on it and view it.